Open Letter to Residents of Ward 1
Dear Friends and Residents of Oak Ridges & Lake Wilcox,
As an expression of gratitude, My wife Mary and I wish to thank all our supporters, neighbours, friends & family for their unwavering support heading into our campaign in Ward 1 throughout the 2018 Municipal Election in Richmond Hill.
It is encouraging when people open their doors, their hearts and their minds and express what their concerns are for our outstanding community. Your concerns and feelings about how things are and how they ought to be have been heard, and you may be assured that when chosen by you to be your Councillor in Ward 1, your concerns will be known in our Town Hall.
Our seniors are especially concerned about the location of our Town Hall. Many of them experience great difficulties getting to our Town Hall because of its present location.
A majority of us are in favour of having the Town Hall relocated to Yonge and Major MacKenzie. Our Municipal Offices need to be relocated to Yonge and Major MacKenzie so that they are easily accessible to all residents. Many envision a Town Hall as a meeting place where we may have an open skating rink in the winter and a centre to celebrate our spring, summer and fall festivities. A Town Hall ought to be a place of congregation where we celebrate being part of one community and where we may administer the day-to-day necessities of municipal affairs.
Long-term ideas for addressing traffic congestion in Richmond Hill are as follows. You have stated to me that in the long term, we as a Municipality need to work together with our neighbouring Municipalities, Provincial/Federal Governments and Industry to come up with proactive solutions to tackle traffic congestion.
Greater investment towards rapid public transit is essential. Many have pointed out that in downtown Calgary for instance, public transit is free. We need to come up with similar incentives that lead more people to using our state of the art public transit system, and what they have established in Calgary may also work for us as well.
For every problem, there are many more solutions. We simply need people (Councillors, M.P.P.'s and M.P’s) who are willing to work together and do what it takes to bring all the players (Municipal, Provincial/Federal governments and industry) together to come up with viable solutions to any given problem. Our seniors require additional care facilities. With an aging population on the horizon, we need to provide and support our seniors with more adequate local facilities to assist them with their daily requirements.
We need to attract business and industries to Richmond Hill. A great number of residents stated the need to attract leading edge industry that invest in their employees by way of high compensation, and that also invests in our community by way of sponsorship programs, donations and taxes. One example of the types of business that is encouraged in our community is multinational, national and local Hi-Tech and Renewable/Green Industries that will enrich our community.
We need to capitalize and continue to promote the fact of our strategic location in the GTA. We also need to continuously reiterate the fact that we are amongst the best of places to live and work in Canada according to recent national studies.
Our combined long-term objective for Richmond Hill is to continuously strive towards a long-term vision that celebrates and protects the sanctity of our life, and the environment that sustains our health and well-being. We need to do everything possible to save what is left of our priceless Moraine.
Our Town may achieve everything we set our collective mind to achieving. We may achieve this and so much more by providing exemplary customer service to nurture the vibrant mosaic of our outstanding community. We need to continuously strive towards perfection by ensuring all essential services required by the people who call Richmond Hill their home, are made available in a professional manor that shows respect and accountability to the taxpayer. This ladies and gentlemen, is but a small glimpse of what we envision for our marvelous town.
On October 22nd, every vote counts. Please come out to vote for our community.
Trifon Haitas Candidate for Councillor, Ward 1

"It is the responsibility of every individual to become the architect of their own character, therefore it ought to be the responsibility of every community to nurture and enrich that given character so that all may benefit." Trifon Haitas
I am very pleased to announce that on July the 13th, I signed my nomination papers at Richmond Hill Town Hall as Candidate for Councillor, Ward 1. I wish to thank everyone for their support and encouragement as we begin the process to win the seat in the Ward 1 Chair at Town Hall. I look forward to sharing this proactive year as we head toward October 22, 2018, to cast our ballots in the Richmond Hill Municipal Election.
I will work with our elected Mayor, our elected Regional and Local Councillors and our community in Oak Ridges to ensure that Ward 1 receives the best possible representation within the municipality of Richmond Hill.
When I was asked why I wanted to be a Town Councillor in the Town of Richmond Hill, my response was that I wish to make a difference in our community. I wish to help make our community of Oak Ridges/Lake Wilcox and our Town of Richmond Hill a better place for us all. I believe that with the assistance of the outstanding community in Oak Ridges and our town Council, I will accomplished what I set out to achieve. The People and their concerns about our community in Ward 1 are my top priority.
The most satisfying part of my work as Town Councillor, will be to advocate for our community in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. To work in the trenches at Town Hall and assist the people in our community who may have no where else to turn. Whether it is to assist with access to municipal services, breaking down any barriers to municipal services or cutting through any bureaucratic red tape, making a difference in people's lives is what public service is all about for me.
The sacrifices that families make often go unrecognized in life. I wish to acknowledge and thank my wife Mary, my son Stavros and my daughter Elefterea for their support and encouragement over the coming months leading up to Election Day.
Join Team Haitas so that Trifon may achieve the goal of attaining the seat as Ward 1 Councillor in Richmond Hill.
"People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a
majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing."


The role of Council and the role of head of Council can be found in the Municipal Act Sections 224, 225, and 226.
"It is the responsibility of every individual to become the architect of their own character, therefore it ought to be the responsibility of every community to nurture and enrich that given character so that all may benefit." Trifon Haitas

Founder and CEO of AVC™, TRIFON HAITAS along with his team of proven professionals are committed to producing news and entertainment that is valued by viewers throughout our globe. Haitas is also Founder of the CANADIAN MULTICULTURAL NETWORK (CMN™). AVCMEDIA is primarily an electronic media source to the multicultural community and to the commercial media industry. We are based in Toronto, Canada and publish our news and entertainment via the digital choice network, satellite and via Internet broadband. AVC’s production team provides creative materials to national, regional and local television networks based in Canadian, South American, Asian and European markets. We also offer distribution, editorial and marketing services that are being utilized by local and international press agencies that print their reputable newspapers in Toronto and distribute them worldwide.
Haitas was born in Europe and immigrated to Canada at the age of six. Haitas has always known Canada as his home; it is here that he has grown to become a longstanding member of the Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA), and is also an honourary member of the National Ethnic Press & Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC). On the 26th of January 2007, Haitas was granted the organization’s medal for distinguished services. Haitas is also a recipient of the NEPMCC “Honoris Causa” award for promoting equality, respect for human values, human rights, cooperation and understanding amongst the members of the various cultural groups existing within Canadian society.


"People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a
majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard
and who vote - a very different thing." Aristotle
Trifon is the consummate professional; his talent and passion are both clearly evident in his work. On a personal note, he is also a very amiable and sincere individual. It was my pleasure to have made his acquaintance.
Sotiris Sotiropoulos
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Trifon Haitas
Hi Trifon, If you are elected, will you respond to residents concerns particularly around by law issues in Richmond Hill?
Hello KC, I will do everything possible to respond to our residents concerns about any issues that they have in Richmond Hill. Thank you for asking. It will be a privilege for me to serve as Ward 1 Councillor in our community of Oak Ridges & Lake Wilcox.
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